Dungeon Defenders II
Trendy Entertainment (Unreal Engine 3)
Primary Duties
Technical Level Designer on Dungeon Defenders 2.
Designed, prototyped, and implemented game modes, enemy types, and map objectives.
Implemented and balanced wave-based action tower defense gameplay across 16 gameplay levels. This included wave composition and timing, scripting, trap configuration, level layout, and resource values.
Owned the “Harbinger” boss fight. This involved initial design, prototyping, iteration, and leading the efforts of an interdepartmental strike team.
Designed and implemented level-specific challenges which introduced new gameplay mechanics and enemy types.
Responsible for creating, maintaining, and balancing Kismet-based wave spawning system for use in all levels.
Dungeon Defenders II is Trendy’s second full entry in the Dungeon Defenders franchise. It expands on the Action Tower Defense concepts found in the first game, with an emphasis on making the action more dynamic and engaging while retaining the depth of strategy found in the tower defense. Players choose their hero and defend against waves of fierce enemies across 16 gameplay levels. As players advance, they gain levels and powerful gear to improve their skills and towers. It’s a free-to-play title available on Steam, PS4, and Xbox One.